Who We Are

LaSpes is a non-profit organization (ONLUS). It was founded in 2018 with the objective to support the research of primitive immunodeficiencies. The WAS, (Wiskott Aldrich syndrome), unfortunately belongs to the numerous types of rare diseases of primitive immunodeficiency.

What We Do

Every year LaSpes ONLUS provides funds to assign annual scholarships or research contracts to deserving young researchers.

The estimated yearly amount starts from € 15,000


Our Mission

Primitive immunodeficiencies represent a heterogeneous group of rare and chronic immune system disorders. They are genetically defined and cause a defect in the development and / or functionality of various degrees of immune cells.

Contact Us

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E-Mail: associazionelaspes@gmail.com
Address: Via Tor Millina 35 – 00186 Roma
Tel: +39 366 316 1842

Legal Informations

Established in Rome on June 12th 2018
C.F: 97981190586

LaSpes ONLUS was created to support research on primary immunodeficiencies.
WAS (Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome) is one of these.

© 2021 - La Spes ONLUS - Established in Roma on June 12th 2018 | C.F: 97981190586